Saturday, August 23, 2008

Worshipping God vs doing good deeds!

If this universe was indeed created by an all-knowing God that is greater than us in every way including morals and selflessness, why is he so bent on us worshipping him? To me, that's a pretty solid argument against the existence of God. Why should such a creator care whether we even believe in him? What difference does it make? Yet, when push comes to shove, "believing in Jesus" seems to be the absolute most important thing to a Christian, even more important than doing acts of good.

I saw a sign outside a church that said:

"Good without God is Zero"

Why? You mean if I spent my life working at a food bank, busting my butt to make sure the hungry get fed, but I don't accept Jesus as my personal savior, all that good, in fact, didn't come from God but rather Satan? That's pathetic. Sphere: Related Content


Agnostic Anarch said...

The funny bit about "believing in Jesus" is that it's really not what CHRISTIANITY is supposed to be about! That's Paulianism... following what the Apostle Paul wrote. Jesus did have some specific things he wanted people to do... if the gospels are to be believed, but Christians always ignore that stuff. That way lies communism! Can't sell off my SUV or my PS3, oh no! I love Jesus, but I need my 401k and my insurance plan! Call'em what they are: Paulists.

Jeff C said...

Bingo! You have to wonder how many Christians even realize that the majority of their religion comes not from Jesus' teachings, but from Paul's.

Agnostic Anarch said...

I point it out to them as often as possible.

Anonymous said...


I was amused my this quote:

Why? You mean if I spent my life working at a food bank, busting my butt to make sure the hungry get fed, but I don't accept Jesus as my personal savior, all that good, in fact, didn't come from God but rather Satan? That's pathetic

If I may ask a couple of questions:

1. If God doesn't exist (i.e., as the source and foundation of good), why do you do these good things? What is the purpose if all we are is just glorified 'worm food?'
2. Who says that without Jesus our good works come from Satan?


Anonymous said...

With respect, I bon't think you have it exactly nailed on the head. Paulianism is Christianity, as Jesus himself appointed Paul, and God was with him as he wrote to and directed the early churches..
Believing in Jesus (True and honest Christian faith) RESULTS in good works. The two go hand in hand (James 1:17-26). Believing in Christ is like an invitation for God to get to work on a person's heart and soul. It may take some time, depending on the person, but it will ultimately result in good - the goodness of God flowing through him.
People who set themselves against the truth of the Bible and Christianity are not really interested in reason and knowledge, but only invent excuses out of clouded imaginations to resist what they don‘t want to submit to. Don’t put a wall between yourselves and God. Just let him in, and let him have you. I hope and pray the love of God in Jesus Christ will somehow get a hold of each of you, and bring you peace - peace and true knowledge.
